CRIMEUCOPIA – We're All Animals Under The Skin

In this anthology the focus is on people, actions and the resultant reactions — motivation, and the instinct to survive — in one form or another.


It’s been the basis of quite a few pieces of NOIR fiction, from the creation of the anti-hero, or simply a tale where the ‘Bad Guy’ wins out for a change, through to the supposed downward spiral that some believe is unalterable, a fate-controlled destiny if you will.


But then who can say who’s bad and who’s good when there’s always two sides to everything? However, as the authors contained in this collection show, there are times when the supposed genre boundaries become blurred and indistinct


Hopefully this time we’ve been able to get as broad a spectrum as we could, without stepping into other, more specific genres, such as Horror, Macabre or Bizarro. Well, not too much….


18 authors take time to look under the skin of the people who sometimes inhabit their heads, and put what they find down on paper.


Fiction from: John Gerard Fagan, Nick Boldock, Weldon Burge, Chris Phillips, Dan Meyers, Jeff Dosser, Eve Fisher, Emilian Wojnowski, Fabiyas M V, Lamont A. Turner, Edward Ahern, Robert Peyto, Al Hagan, Caroline Tuohey, Steve Carr. Bobby Mathews. Michael Bracken, and June Lorraine Roberts.


Available from Independent bookshops and digital retailers under the following ISBNs:-


Paperback Edition  ISBN: 9781909498235

eBook Edition ISBN:  9781909498228


And Amazon under the following URLs


Our thanks are also due to Sue Jones for the Murderous Pen logo - copyright © Sue Jones 2011

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