Rule Britannia

Britannia Waves The Rules

Alright My Son, Say No More, Leave It ’art!

As I best recall, it was one afternoon here at MIP Towers – must have been a touch after the start of tiffin, so around 4.35pm – when some smart young cove decided to politely call attention to himself by saying he had a proposal:

‘Why can’t we do an all-British Crimeucopia?’

And, bless my soul, after several pots of tea — Darjeeling (mid-season second flush, naturally) the general consensus was a resounding:

‘Why not indeed?’

From there was born this anthology, containing, we hope, stories that, were you to cut them in half with a knife, they would flash you their Union Jacks without a moment’s hesitation.

Rule Britannia - Britannia Waves The Rules

features fiction from

Daniel Marshall Wood, Gerald Elias, S. E. Bailey, Alexander Frew, Kelly Lewis,

Carew S. Bartley, Madeleine McDonald, Edward Lodi, Michaele Jordan, J. Aquino,

David Rich, Kelly Zimmer, Sharon Richards, T. K. Howell, Maroula Blades,

David William Johnson and Harris Coverley

The fiction ranges from general British cosy, through Harry Palmer and George Smiley territory, before going deep into very British Modern Noir. And as with all of these anthologies, we hope you’ll find something that you immediately like, as well as something that takes you out of your comfort zone – and puts you into a completely new one. In other words, in the spirit of the Murderous Ink Press motto:

You never know what you like until you read it.


Paperback Edition ISBN: 9781909498501

eBook Edition ISBN: 9781909498518

Our thanks are also due to Sue Jones for the Murderous Pen logo - copyright © Sue Jones 2011

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