Don’t Touch That Dial!


So has it really been a nine-month hibernation?


It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster, but it looks like things are getting back to the usual CRIMEUCOPIA chaos once more – thus proving that publishing short crime fiction is either an addiction or a genetic compulsion.


Does that mean we will actually be keeping to our original plan of 4 anthologies a year? I doubt it as we seem to have another anthology already in the pipeline.


But that’s just another part of the chaos after all.


This is the first of several ‘Free 4 All’ collections that were supposed to be themeless. However, with the number of submissions that came in, it seems that this could be called an Angels & Devils collection, mixing PI & Police alongside tales from the bad guys.


Mind you, that’s not to say that all the PIs & Police are Good Guys – though hopefully this collection is not too NOIR for some.


This time around has not only seen a move to a larger paperback format size, but also in regard to the length of the fiction, as well. Followers of the somewhat bent and twisted Crimeucopia path will know that although we don’t deal with flash fiction as a rule, it is a rule that we have sometimes broken. And let’s face it, if you cannot break your own rules now and again, whose rules can you break?


Oh, wait, isn’t that the basis of the crime fiction genre?


Oh dear….


As with all of these anthologies, we hope you’ll find something that you immediately like, as well as something that takes you out of your comfort zone – and puts you into a completely new one.


In other words, in the spirit of the Murderous Ink Press motto:


You never know what you like until you read it.


Paperback Edition ISBN: 9781909498426

eBook Edition ISBN: 9781909498433



Our thanks are also due to Sue Jones for the Murderous Pen logo - copyright © Sue Jones 2011

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