CRIMEUCOPIA – The Lady Thrillers.


As most authors will tell you, when you start out writing fiction there will come a time when someone will dust off and decant that old adage which goes:


‘Always write about what you know.’


Oh dear.


Another adage is that ‘Little girls are made of sugar and spice and all things nice.’


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. What does all that say about the women authors contained within the pages of CRIMEUCOPIA – The Lady Thrillers?


16 Countesses of Crime recount tales of Murder, Mayhem and Revenge.


Karen Skinner, Hilary Davidson, Pauline Gostling, Linda Kerr, Kate Miller, Tiffany Lindfield, Lena Ng, Ginny Swart, Sandrine Bergès, Michelle Ann King, Amanda Steel, Kelly Lewis, Paulene Turner, Madeleine McDonald, Claire Leng, Joan Hall Hovey.


Available from Independent bookshops and digital retailers under the following ISBNs:-

Paperback Edition ISBN: 9781909498198

 eBook Edition ISBN: 9781909498204


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Our thanks are also due to Sue Jones for the Murderous Pen logo - copyright © Sue Jones 2011

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